Modeling and analysis of brushless DC motor system based on intelligent controllers
Yousif Ismail Mohammed Al Mashhadany, Ahmed Khudhair Abbas, Sameer Saadoon Algburi
The constant innovative advancements of brushless DC motors (BLDCMs) have discovered a wide scope of utilizations. For instance, underground electric vehicles, drones, and submerged bikes have just confirmed elite BLDCMs. Be that as it may, their appropriation requires control frameworks to screen torque, speed and other execution attributes. This paper presents numerous brilliant controllers structure and order line programming to assemble, alter and mimic intelligent to control BLDCMs. Recently planned graphical user interface (GUI) structure for Multi controllers: conventional proportional integral derivative (PID) controller, intelligent controller based fuzzy techniques: type 1, type 2, and modified type 2 fuzzy logic controller (T1FLC, IT2FLC, and MIT2FLC respectively). Different phases of the problematic framework configuration process, from the underlying depiction to the last usage, can be acquired from the altered tool compartment. MATLAB Ver.2019b was utilized to mimic and plan all procedure GUI. The agreeable aftereffects of MIT2FLC have been approved also; the examination gives the subtleties of the GUI program through estimations, shapes, flowcharts and code, giving understanding into the presumptions of common-sense boundaries that may emerge in such a minimal effort mentor for BLDCM. At last, the outcomes acquired through a few reproduction tests affirm the legitimacy of the showed math model and designing of intelligent controllers.
Brushless DC motor; Conventional PID controller; Fuzzy logic controller; Graphical user interface; Multi intelligent controller
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Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BEEI) ISSN: 2089-3191, e-ISSN: 2302-9285 This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU) .